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Myrrh and Honey's Mission

When I came up with the idea for Myrrh and Honey I had an abstract idea of what I wanted it to be. I wanted a creative outlet to use for God, I wanted a platform to share my gift with others, and I wanted to be able to reach people who I never would have been able to without the internet. Now, almost a year and a half later that abstract vision has morphed into something tangible with a clear goal.

I now want Myrrh and Honey to become a place of fellowship for young adults across the world. I know how hard it is to get connected into a good community where you're seen and heard, and I want to create a community where one can feel that way.

On my page no matter who you are, unless you're satan (Which in that case stay far away), you are more than welcome to comment and ask questions about anything. If you're struggling there is a seat at the table for you here and I would love to break bread and fellowship with you.

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