A common question asked within the Christian Community is how to know what God's will is for your life. Are we supposed to wait for a sign? Will he answer in one of our prayers with some mystical dove in the background flying? Or maybe the rapture will happen suddenly and we'll be too late in finding out.
The truth is that we can find the answers in the bible. Yep, just as simple as that! God provides us all the answers we need in three versus that expand on how to find God's purpose for our lives. The only thing we have to do is open his word and search for him in it.
Here are three ways I've found the answer to this question and have been able to come to multiple conclusions of how God wants me to live out my life for him.
Go to Gods Word. In Proverbs 3:6 it says to acknowledge God and he will direct your path. This can look like prayer for one. Coming to the Lord in prayer is acknowledging him as an actual being that hears and responds to us. Prayer is our conversation with God through Jesus that he's given us. Another way to acknowledge God is to submit to him, the bible is clear on what God wants us to do to honor him and by following that and submitting to him we see how Gods plan can be set into action.
Pray for Direction. James 1:5 says "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." Again Gods word points to conversation and openness with God as a way to find answers. God always, always, answers prayers. Whether it's through a door being opened or one staying closed. If we look for the obvious and subtly of his messages we are sure to find his answers to our questions by asking for open eyes and open hearts.
Seek Wise Counsel. As Proverbs 12:15 says, "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice." We all have someone who is constantly in the bible, whether it's someone you know personally or someone in a blog or an influencer who is constantly reading Gods word. These are people who we need to ask questions to. They likely have a strong answer that will show Gods will for you or at the very least speak truth over the situation at hand, whether we like it or not.
These are only three ways to find Gods purpose for your life, though I am sure there are more, these have been the most helpful to me as I continue to search and find God's will and his truth for me going into the phases of my life.
If you keep an open heart and open eyes, God will show you his plan for you life. He wants you to follow him so why wouldn't he provide a way to do that?
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