In a world that hates Christ and therefore hates Christians, it can be hard to find a way to bring Jesus up in conversation to spread the good news. Here are my top 5 tips for integrating Jesus into your talks with friends while doing so in a calm and respectful manner.
1. Rely on the Holy Spirit:
He's your helper, you're not alone. It can be hard to rely on yourself to bring up Christ in a conversation. But there's good news! You're not alone! The Holy Spirit was literally made to help with these things, a tool given to us by God to represent him.
2. Get Close to God:
Pray, Read your Bible, Worship, Make a Community within the Church, Talk about Jesus with other believers. All of these are ways to get closer to God and understand his will for your life. And in that will it will always include sharing his presence with others so prepare yourself for your calling by preparing with God Himself.
3. Listen to the Holy Spirit:
God speaks to us through his word and spirit, practice listening and responding to his voice. Some of the ways we can do this is by praying for listening ears and a moved heart while also being in his word daily.
4. Pray for Opportunities:
A lot of the time we have the opportunity in front of us and don't see it because we don't look for it. Through asking God to open our eyes we can see all the opportunity he's laid out for us and the small holes to insert him into the conversation when available.
5. Use the Opportunity:
When you can finally see the opportunity, take it! God provides when he leads so prepare for it and use it.
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