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Let's Talk About Abortion

So everyone knows now about the overturning of Roe v. Wade, but what does it actually mean in the Christian community and for society at large?

Well, some of you might know that when the supreme court overturned the 1976 ruling of Roe, it meant that they were giving the power back to the states to decide what each individual state will do with that power. For some states that looks like no abortion access at all outside of emergencies and for others it looks like full access to abortion completely with no restrictions.

As Christians, we know the power and intent behind God’s creation of the unborn and we know that the destruction of his creation with the unborn is murder and we know that according to the written word of God murder is wrong and a sin.

But society doesn’t go by the word of God, hence the anger and frustration panning across the country now.

So how do we as Christians, who follow God's word and consider abortion a sin, address the epidemic of angry Americans who don’t want to hear about God's words or morals on the topic?

Well, there are a few ways to talk to the subject both with God's word and without it for backup.

  1. Compassion and Understanding.

This world is broken and with it comes broken people. They are scared and hurting and we as Christians HAVE to have compassion for those emotions. If we come at the problem with hate and opinions then we will never have an understanding of why people feel the way that they do and will never get to the root of the problem.

A few ways to show compassion when talking on the subject include:

Listening to understand, not judge.

Creating a safe space for the person and the conversation.

Understanding that you cannot always change minds, but you can plant seeds of hope.

2. Voting.

We live in a country where our vote matters. If you’re too shy or unsure of having that conversation with others then voting is a good alternative to show your passion for the unborn.

3. Research.

There are a lot of lies about abortion that can hold us back from being firm in our beliefs on the subject and many will try to upend our voices on the topic with those lies. Being well prepared and ready to have that conversation can make all the difference in making a point or chiming in on the topic.

Those are just a few examples of how to have a voice in this tough time and there are many more, but I want to touch on a few key topics here that I think will soften your heart and remind you of God's love and mercy during these times.

The first is that Mothers Matter.

So often we focus on the unborn that we forget that those aborting them are mothers that are struggling. Whether it’s emotionally, financially, or otherwise. While the child matters, so do the mothers and we cannot afford to affront them and ostracize them. They’re still God’s children and we have to show compassion and love for them like we would anyone else.

The second point is that Life is Life.

We still need to fight the battle for those who cannot fight for themselves. The lives of the unborn are so precious and worth every bit of life as those who are already born.

The third point is that God still Loves.

He loves the mothers, he loves the unborn, and he loves you. His mercy is new every morning and shines through his want for a relationship with you. No matter what has happened or what will happen he will always love and want a relationship with you and that will never change.

If you’ve had an abortion before and you’re reading this now I want you to know that you are not defined by that experience. You are so loved and cherished and wanted. If you’ve had a bad experience on the topic with Christians please know that God isn’t defined by bad actions and his love is unconditional for you and for everyone.

Thank you for reading my first blog post! I try to post every Wednesday about tough subjects and how to handle them with Christ’s love if you’re interested in getting updates on my posts be sure to subscribe to the newsletters to stay up to date!

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